Dig Form Review System

The Dig Form Review System is a custom workflow solution automating data collection and review. Field technicians log information about pipeline digs and submit forms from a tablet. Supervisors then review the submitted forms through a tool in a web application


  • Easy Form Submittals
  • Controlled approvals
  • Improve visibility
  • Decrease latency of information to the client
  • Interviewed field techs to learn about forms and methods
  • Configured mobile form in Survey123
  • Constructed data workflow
  • Designed method and UI for users to review submitted forms
  • Survey123 - Configured form UI and data schema for form submittals
  • Angular - Built Angular component for review process
  • Angular - Integrated form submittal locations with web map
  • Python - Created scripts to migrate and merge data

The first step involved working with field technicians and testing the submittal and structure of data. This process truly followed an Agile philosophy, as the form UI and data schema changed frequently throughout the survey season.

The image above is a redesigned imitation, due to the proprietary nature of this component

For the Angular review component, our development team utilized pair programming to create the necessary logic, data connections, and UI design. We provided users with the ability to approve, reject, and comment on each submitted form. Since we were recording location information in Survey123, integrating with our existing web map was relatively easy.

Incoming data needed to be joined and processed before it was ready for review. So I wrote a group of scripts in Python to handle various merging and relating tasks.


Overall this system was a great success. Over 200 forms were submitted and reviewed, giving project team members better control and efficiency. The client gained visibility on details about the digs, and information was ready for their review within days, instead of weeks. With adjustments from user feedback along the way, the desired goals were met and users were satisfied with a greatly improved process.